Applied Dimensionality

Recent posts

Jun 13, 2016
Some statistical functions in TM1FinanceLib: VAR, Median, DevSQ and more

Just a quick note that I’ve updated tm1financelib with a few statistical functions (again, nothing more than pointing to them in POI):

  • VAR
  • VARP

I’ve added function descriptions in the original post. Come to think of it, maybe I should post the whole stuff on something like github. Whenever I’ll have a next free moment )

May 23, 2016
Just found TM1 10.3 most important feature

Forget all your Cloud, Planning Analytics and CAFE. It’s finally here!

May 8, 2016
Java TM1 Extensions: TM1FinanceLib for calculating IRR, NPV and more

Well, I’m a bit late to the party, so you all know by now that after TM1 10.2.2 you can use something called Java Extensions to execute your own Java code and call it as a Turbo Integrator function. What I’ll show in this post is how to use this approach to calculate the usual ‘finance’ functions like IRR, NPV and some more. And there’ll be freebies, I’ll give you an extension library for some of the functions so you don’t have to write it yourself.

Feb 13, 2016
TM1 Input in Calculated Cells or Break Back

Break-back was one of the famous features in Cognos Enterprise Planning, it allowed data input in a calculated cell and system would adjust all the participating elements to match the new result. Combined with ‘holds’ it was a really awesome feature. TM1 allows input in consolidated cells, but not in calculated ones, so this functionality is kind of missing.  Not entirely, I’ll show how to achieve similar behaviour in TM1 (although in a much more restricted manner). I think it’s isn’t actually documented anywhere, so I’ll put it out here.

Nov 8, 2015
Using Apache JMeter to load test TM1 Contributor Applications

Judging by the amount of feedback I still get about the Java stress testing tool, load testing is really something everyone starts looking at once they’re facing any decent number of users in the system. This post will describe how to use JMeter to do a broader scope of testing, emulating the full user interaction with TM1 Contributor.

Oct 30, 2015
Insight 2015 recap

Well, it’s already / finally over and I must say I’m very impressed. I didn’t expect anything close to what it was for me: I met heaps of great people, learned a lot of new things and had a few long nights out ) I also got a massive cold so I’m spending the last day lying in the bed typing this.

Aug 28, 2015
See you at Insight 2015

I’m finally going to bat country, yay! And not just going, I’ll even be onstage (just for a few minutes, don’t worry).

Our presentation was approved, so on 26-Oct at 10:30 AM-11:30 AM, we’d be talking about TM1 in Sanofi Aventis. It took a good part of my youth last 3 years, but we do have something to show for it:

Jul 24, 2015
More on Cognos BI macro functions

Cognos BI macro functions are like regular expressions, you can revisit them any time and find a lot of new things as well as a lot of things you forgot since you last looked at it )

Apr 26, 2015
TM1 10.2.2 FP3 is out

Just in case you missed it:

Apr 21, 2015
TM1-related comments

A couple of good IBM links:

A quick choosing hardware for TM1 update: